Uggg, it's been a crazy few weeks around here. I've been meaning to post something but haven't had/made the time. In addition to running and fundraising, I also have been making weddding and birthday quilt gifts (some pics can be found on my craft blog). I also always forget how busy the end of July & beginning of August are at work.
I will NOT be shaving my head. I will be donating approximately 12 inches of hair to Locks of Love. We did not make the $5,000 fundraising deadline in time but there is still time to make a donation to this fantastic cause!
I'll post some pictures of the new 'do as soon as I get it later this week. I am still debating on long, sideswept bangs or no bangs. I had bangs a couple years ago and like them in pictures but I also remember how much of a pain they can be... I have until Thursday after work to figure it out!
Here's a picture of the current 'do (more photos here). You can also follow the link to see pictures of the time I ACTUALLY shaved my head. It was back in 1998 and a little cold during the Flagstaff winter. And there were many different awkward stages while it grew back in...

Please help save lives by making a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! We still are only 1/2 way to the $5,000 fundraising goal. Please share this blog with your friends and family.
We met at Sabino Canyon this Saturday and did 12 miles of hill training. We ran to the top (3.7 miles), back down to the Mile 1 marker, back up to the Mile 3 marker and then ran back to the parking lot. It ended up being about 11.7 miles total, partially because I always forget where the 3rd mile marker is and went up and extra (steeeeep) hill!
Here are a couple photos I snapped with my phone. We arrived before the sun and got to see the sun come up over the canyon. And the moon stayed out to play with us even after the sun was high in the morning sky. Mornings like these with views like this make me happy to live here :-)

Sunrise over Sabino Canyon (taken while running = blurry)

The moon was still up even though the sun was getting high in the sky. Photo taken on the way down from the top.
Please help save lives by making a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! We still are only 1/2 way to the $5,000 fundraising goal. Please share this blog with your friends and family.